Saturday, April 30, 2011


Maybe you fall into 40 percent adults who experience insomnia, sleep disorders are very common like the ones in America. This disorder covers it difficult to fall asleep, woke up and it was hard to sleep again or always woke up early.

If it only lasts a few days called transient insomnia, if a few weeks called the short-term insomnia. This problem will become chronic if it occurs on every night of the week and only ended after a month or even more.

The most common form of insomnia is insomnia that continues to grow, where several times the incidence of sleeplessness will cause anxiety and the event will continue to aggravate the sense of hard to get to sleep.

Insomnia itself is not a disease but rather is a symptom of another problem or some other problem whether it be physical, emotional or behavioral disorders.

Discover what causes you to have to spend the night without being able to close my eyes and learn how you can fall asleep again. Culprit of insomnia include:

* Stress

Many experts consider this a major cause of short-term sleep disorders. These stressors include job stress, marital problems, chronic illness or a death in the family. Insomnia usually disappears when the stressful situation ends.

If stress hormones are produced at the time you keep going to sleep, they will inhibit the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates circadian rhythm (sort of watch 24 hours in your body). High levels of stress can also inhibit recovery from the effects of growth hormone that helps the manufacture of new cells.

* Alcohol and kafien

Most caffeine or alcohol, especially if consumed too close to bedtime, will damage the good night's sleep. Kafien, an aphrodisiac that can make it difficult to fall asleep. Its effects will continue to survive for 10 hours after you consume it, especially in the elderly where a slower metabolism. And although alcohol is a sedative agent and is able to help you fall asleep quickly, alcohol will disrupt sleep later when the effect of alcohol is gone.

Pain and chronic medical conditions

Some people can not sleep well because of a medical condition that makes them uncomfortable. The pain of arthritis, heartburn, wound in the back and head pain can make you wake up and it's hard to sleep again. In randomized studies in adults in the United States, reported a quarter suffering from disturbing their sleep in 10 nights or more per month. Chronic conditions such as Parkinson's and diabetes makes it difficult to fall asleep because it will be awake all night.

* Rise and fall of female hormone production

At the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle, low levels of the hormone progesterone which can cause difficult to sleep. If you consider hormonlah that cause sleep disturbance, make a sort of diary of your sleep in a month. This can help you determine in which period, you should avoid consumption of caffeine, alcohol and other sleep disorders can exacerbate this. During menopause, fluctuations in estrogen levels can cause difficulty sleeping. Estrogen replacement therapy can often help.

* Drugs

Certain drugs such as corticosteroids and some medications to treat high blood pressure, asthma and depression can disturb sleep. Likewise, drugs to the thyroid gland if the dose is too high. Many common medicines including drugs to address the noses clog and drugs to lose weight, contain stimulants such as pseudoephedrine and some formula of aspirin also contain caffeine. If you are having trouble sleeping, check your medications again with the help of a doctor.

* Depression

Researchers looked specifically at the laboratory that found no abnormalities of sleep sleep in people with depression, including reduced sleep periods of slow-brain-wave and an initial disturbance in the first part of REM sleep. Researchers show as much as 90% of people who suffer from depression suffer from sleep disorders. This can covers of problems waking up earlier to oversleep. Antidepressants can help this problem.

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